
Photo Gallery of Our Prom!!

4th July 2003, (Independence Day, God bless
America!) we had our year 11 leavers prom at the
Renaissance Hotel in Manchester! It was sooooooooo
much fun!! This is me and Claire gettin all giddy
over the Limo!!! It was our Gangsta Limo!!!

The party was so great!!! I think we were the only
people there not really drunk for a change even tho
the teachers were swiftly providing drinks !!!
Everybody danced, people (mainly lads i think!)
smoked cigaaaaars!! (oooh they felt like MEN!) and
nobody else had a red limo!!!! we were so proud :D
lol Wish we cud have another nyt....tho how did I
end up walking from Tescos, up the high street in
my ball gown at 1:30am boys!


Lol we not goin anywhere yet, just sitting in it when Peters, Welsby and Wilder arrived!!
Meet the corsage

Awwwwwww when Ginna gave me my corsage!!! Bless his little cotton socks!!!!!


My favourite picture of me an Claire :o)
Girl Power!

The Girls!! Claire, Me and Liz

Eager to Leave!

The Limo people...Ginna, Welsby, Claire, Paul, Moi, Peters, Liz and Wilder!

The Men!!! Dont they look sexy??! Wilder, Ginna, Paul, Welsby and Peters ! Aww!

Ther's more to come!
Im stealin pictures of the actual party of people (eg PAUL!!!) so ther will be more!