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Yaaay! March 2004 (Peahead chose the date to go...NOT ME!) we went down to Newquay for a week and it was SOOOOOOOOOO much fun! Yippeee! Here's the best pics :-P

This was "Birdshit Hotel" lol. Probably a very lovely place...just seemed the seagulls used its windows as a communal TOILET! ewww !!!

Charlie and Paul dancing drunkledly around the bar !!! Hmmm!!!

Gerry The Berry Jnr

Me and bumchum Kate making a grand entrance!

This is where we stayed Yayyyyyy! (our room was...urm...the top floor the second of the two little windows ) It was ace!

Paul and the drunk Craig lol

Aww...just put this in coz my nails look nice  and it was in Central which is where we ate like ALL the time :-)

Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! How funnnnnnny!!!!

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